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ANGHAM Continual Supremacy

Having the opportunity to be acquainted with Angham up-close and personal was as wonderful as the woman herself. She is truly an amazing, touching, kind-hearted, and respectful person. A tremendous mother, full of love and enormous feelings towards her children, and her family and career are the core of her life. Her talented, sweet, delicate, and affectionate voice doesn’t require our comments or quotes. In fact, it expresses itself through the vast success and the great love of people towards her. Angham is a genuine idol – a statue for all the rising singers to follow and learn from…

1. Who is the real Angham, or in other words, Angham the individual?
I am a really normal person who likes to live and lead a normal, reflective life. I live my life as any ordinary mother - devoted to my motherliness before anything, and then comes my work which is at the same time my leisure pursuit, so I truly enjoy it.

2. Tell us about your childhood. What hobbies, other than singing were you fond of back then?
Well I don’t remember too many things other than singing. But I always loved to play the role of a mother. I was a lonely child for a long time and when I had my brother and sister, I practiced my maternal instincts on them and always enjoyed being a mom. I guess it comes naturally.

3. Angham, how did you manage to apply the magical formula of intertwining, careful choices of lyrics and tunes, parallel to commercial success?
It is simply being a genuine artist whom presents true and authentic art. I always select what I am convinced with and follow my instincts. Thanks to god what I love and choose always meets my fans expectations. I believe that even when I succeed commercially - I do it my way and unlike anyone else. It’s a wonderful feeling to be different and successful.

4. Well Angham’s talent is undeniable, it is clear like a crystal, and that distinguishes you a lot.
Thanks to god I have something to rely on, it is a great gift from god.

5. You started really early and were very young, and for sure faced and lived a lot of changes in the music field, how did you manage to collaborate with these changes?
I myself changed during these years, but to the best I believe. I became more mature, trying to draw near to what I missed. When I was young I couldn’t exactly determine what I favored, or even what suited me. But now I’ve reached a point of experience where I can easily identify what is and what is not best for me. And that’s how I cooperated with the changes both around me, and inside the music field.

6. Could you stop singing one day?
I don’t know, but I don’t think I could. There maybe times when I am not in the mood for singing or don’t have anything to say or sing, but to completely stop, no. It is too hard for me, that’s the only thing I love and can do. On the other hand, nowadays I aspire to be on the go and perform more and more songs. As this is the most appropriate time I could ever present all kinds of songs, without being limited to certain kinds of singing because of my age. Previously I was too young and afterwards I’ll be too old. The problem is that currently the music industry is facing huge problems because of the internet and downloads of the songs, the production companies are losing a lot of money and it is very difficult to produce an album. That’s why I finished my latest mini album and thanked god.

7. Does that mean you neither know what is coming next nor have plan?
Well, I don’t.

8. Any plans for kid’s album?
Well I don’t know what to present to this generation, they are completely different to us.

Simple toys and games were plenty for us. But these days everything is more complicated and they know a lot and have a lot, so nothing satisfies them, so what could I present to them? It is very hard to say. They have vast visions. Perhaps something indirect about the beauty of life and the greatness of our god or any other issues but it has to be done subtly.

9. What was the turning point in your life?
I have plenty, both personally and professionally. I can’t tell you one specific defining moment. Professionally, my first turning point was with the release of my album “wahdaneya”. Everything was different since then.

10. Do you think that your personal life delayed you somehow?
Well, not exactly delayed – but it certainly distracting people from my singing and songs. People were anxious to know about my personal life and that was inappropriate. I’d love to have people talking about my songs as opposed to my personal life. Especially that people leave themselves to speculations and never consider the factual story. At this point I must talk and clarify everything. So I can say that my personal life was an interference, but it didn’t delay me. I was never late for my audiences - in fact I was always on time.

11. Any acting plans?
I had some plans and projects but didn’t proceed yet. I am willing to do it and have already done one play in theatre. It was tiring, but very nice. As for the cinema it is incredibly difficult to find an appropriate role nowadays, maybe the television would suit me more.

12. You’ve previously worked with some great composers and lyrics writers, and nowadays work with the younger generations, which is better for you?
I like working with both, older generations were just great and everything was planned and organized. Nowadays they are so talented and have new ideas. Everything has a first time.

13. What do you think of the new festivals that award and acknowledge musicians and singers?
These kind of festivals weren’t formerly here in Egypt. The idea of being thanked and appreciated is wonderful. I wish Egypt had more of these events. These awards are very significant to the artist, particularly when it is a trusted award and presented by a well trustworthy organization.

14. Who inspires you?
Actually, it’s not one single thing, more often than not several things that god sends me inspire me. And of course my kids, they indirectly inspire me.

15. What do you think of the new reality shows such as Star Academy and others?
I really love these shows - they present well educated artists. I believe it is so beneficial to the industry.

16. You have a large number of fans within the gulf area, and you sang in their dialect, why is that?
I used to hear their songs in the past, and was asked to sing in their phraseology; I love Mohamed Abdo, Talal Madeh and many others. When I started singing, everyone was astounded at how good I was and at how I excelled in this kind of singing. As I told you before it is great to be diversified and different. In fact I am preparing for a big album in gulf dialect.

17. What is your production company nowadays?
I don’t have a production company, I am all by myself, and my preceding album with Rotana was “Nefsy Ahbek”. The mini album that I recently released was with El Shafea Production Company, it is new and promising. I wish him all the success.

18. I know it is a recurring question, but having you with us, we are obliged to ask. What is your word of advice to young, rising singers?
God be with them. For all the singers who would like to start - I just pray for them as it is becoming more and more difficult. We don’t know what is about to happen due to the crisis we are facing within the music industry and the shortage of production companies and their colossal losses. So may God help these newcomers…

19. What is your next step after the huge success of your latest mini album, especially after getting all those rewards for it from N.FM festival as best album for 2010, and from DG festival as best female singer for 2010?
As I previously told you, I’m preparing for my gulf album.

20. Who is your super hero?
Hmmm, I don’t have one. Actually I’ve never thought about it.

21. Your slogan in life….
Entirely depending on my God…

22. What is the series, movie, and song you mostly love…
I love Adel Imam’s T.V series “Ibrahim El Tayer”, and I love two movies; “Dancing in the dark” and “Fall in love” for Meryl Streep. I adore the great Arabic movies “Afwah We Aranab” and “El Kheit El Rafea”, I also love an old song for Aly El Haggar called “Bahebek We Antelq Asfour”. Actually I love most of Aly El Haggar’s songs at that time.

23. What is the single thing you love and hate most about your self?
I love the fact that I am kind and never assume badly in anyone. I am not sure whether this is good or bad, and I hate being powerless to control my feelings sometimes. When I get angry I become really infuriated - I hate that.

24. What is the only thing that you can never forgive?
I can never forgive betrayal.

25. And finally, the one and only thing you can’t live without…
My Kids…

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