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Dahlia Nassar

• Do you remember your first crush? Of course, I’m married to him :)

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Never to give up, and to dream ‘BIG’…

• If you were to give an apology who would it be addressed to and why? My mother. Ever since we moved back from Australia she decided to reside in Alexandria in her apartment overlooking
the Mediterranean Sea. I wish I could see her on a daily basis, but unfortunately I live in Cairo…

• What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Appreciating the finer things in life – as a result, splurging over and over again…

• What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? After making an arduous effort – being told “that it could have been better…”

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NIRA Ebada

• Do you remember your first crush? First crush was in high school :)

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Everything is possible

• If you were given an apology who would it be addressed to and why? For my parents, they worked so hard all their live to raise

• What is the guiltiest pleasure? Korean soaps

• What is the worst thing someone has ever done to you? Lie

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DINA El Diasty

• Do you remember your first crush? Of course, who can’t remember their first crush!

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you? That life is short; you must live lifeto the fullest each day, and enjoy anything that comes your way.

• If you were to give an apology who would it be addressed to and why? To my Grandma, who I wish I had been with her before she passed away.

• What is your guiltiest pleasure? Chocolate!

• What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? I’d rather not remember…!

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HOSSAM El Maraghy

• Do you remember your first crush? yes : Geri Halliwell (spice Girls )

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Nothing lasts foreverÖ so live it up, drink it down, avoid the bullshit, take chances, smile like no one can hear, dance like no one see. Do whatever you come up with, don’t give damn with people think, be optimistic, decide what you feel & never have regrets because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted ;)

• If you were to give an apology, who would it be addressed to? Why? To myself when i am doing the guiltiest pleasure

• What is your guiltiest pleasure? My guilty pleasure is my Favorite Mistake

• What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? “Who does he think he is?” Now I have the courage to stand and say, “This is who I am” HOSSAM ELMARAGHY

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Once again we’ve made a short list of 5 questions for you to answer. Our core purpose is to bridge the gap between our writer’s and reader’s…

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Fayrouz Tayseer

• Do you remember your first crush?
Yes indeed.

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Keep your friends close and not to keep your enemies closer!

• If you were to give an apology, who would it be addressed to? Why?
I would apologize to myself for being so selfless!

• What is your guiltiest pleasure? Being a shopaholic

• What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? You’re too old for this or that. I don’t like people linking your life goals with your age.

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Radwa Moussa

• Do you remember your first crush?
Ummm, don’t actually recall having a crush. I was a fall in love kind of person (still am), so definitely remember my first love (or so I thought back then lol). The word (innocent feeling) makes so much sense now, feelings were just for the sake of feelings, no hidden agenda, no worries and the biggest fight then would be the silliest thought now.

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Know your weakness; work on it, and then you’ll know you’ve perfected life as much as it can be perfected.

• If you were to give an apology who would it be addressed to and why? My dad... For doubting his methodologies for once in my life, without them... I wouldn’t have become half the person I am today. (P.S: I already gave out that apology in a form of a thank you - people it feels good)

• What is your guiltiest pleasure? C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E.S

• What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? This has to have happened when I was in middle school, when other people’s words made a difference. Right now unless it is constructive criticism, for me it’s bull crap… I listened so much to others to a point I could no longer hear myself.

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• Do you remember your first crush? (Smiling): Who doesn’t, my first crush was the boy next door (total shocker :) ) He was seven years older than me. He had black hair, black, calm eyes. He was very quiet and whenever he would spot in the balcony (watching him of course) he would smile shyly. He was a sweet person. I wish him well wherever he is now.

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you? The most important thing that life taught me is never to stop believing in the goodness of people, even if I meet some who are adamant to prove the opposite. I think the appropriate reaction to any trauma, natural or human-caused, is to not allow it to change from the inside; to strive hard to remain trusting and to not put up walls between people and myself out of fear of getting hurt.

• If you were to give an apology who would it be addressed to and why? I would apologize to my mother, for any hard times I might’ve given her.

• What is your guiltiest pleasure? Anything with melted cheese on it. It makes me smile with pleasure and cry inside with guilt at the same time.

• What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? Someone told me in plain letters that they betrayed me because they stopped loving me. The hurt that this caused left a deep scar that took a lot of time to heal.


KATE Arafa

• Do you remember your first crush? Ah-ha-ha, Preschool, Ivan :)
He used to stand in front of the toilet, when I was inside and did not allow anyone to enter, even teachers. Why did you bring this up? I was doing so well, LoL

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Life taught me to keep some space for unpredictable events, and made me to realize that even the best laid plans may not be likely to come true :S

• If you were to give an apology, who would it be addressed to?
Why? Well, most definitely it will be my parents for the fact that I had to travel and live abroad so they get to see their only grand daughter yearly, although, they will never admit that it is as hurtful.

• What is your guiltiest pleasure? God - sure shopping!

• TV: Romantic and silly comedies; Fantasies and Mysteries; Sponge Bob hilarious to the bone!!!

• Food: Forest tea, blueberry cheesecakes and BURGERS!

• Music: Shakira, Alicia Keys, even though my husband hates her and actually skips her tracks in our shared play list. And moreover, if we are talking about skipping songs, it gives me GREAT pleasure to skip Akon’s songs, as this guy has already sucked my soul out! And finally, spoiling my soon-to-be 1 year old daughter!

• What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? Actually, I cannot think of anything. Words are not as hurtful as actions or human attitude. However, I usually go crazy with “You are totally wrong”


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