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Shady Khalaf

Many of today’s young stars are primed to be even bigger tomorrow, and after looking at the past work and upcoming projects of promising actors like Shady Khalaf, we witness a rising actor who appreciates performing immensely, and whose ambitions are unlimited…

1. Shady your father is the renowned writer and poet Nabil Khalaf, has this fact made critics undermine your talent and suggest that you may have entered the acting field with the
help of your father and not entirely based on your talent?
Of course many critics and people said that I entered the field because of my father, however my father is a poet and a writer not a director or producer. No doubt he supported me emotionally, but the most important thing for me is to focus on my work and succeed.

2. What did “Thatha Yashtaglonha” movie add to Shady, and please tell us about your relationship with the cast?
The movie has been a bizarre and different experience for me. Since I was playing the role of an Islamic preacher; I had to read a lot of books on the Shariaa and Siraa to accumulate as many prayers as I could to make use of in my role. I think it was a huge risk to accept this role, because it was different; however I believe that success comes from risks. After the movie finished I continued reading and this has changed me a lot, I began to see people and events differently and became more at peace with myself. I enjoyed working with the whole cast and there was a lot of understanding between me and Mr. Ali Idiris, who liked my work a lot and helped develop my acting, it was a very professional environment.

3. You’ve worked with Director Khaled Youssef in four movies, what did you learn from him and does Khaled Youssef have his own school as they say?
Actually I had great difficulty working with Khaled Youssef at the beginning since he gets very nervous during shooting and shouts a lot, and I am a very sensitive person and could not work until I talked to him about my problem so he began dealing with me differently. In “Heya Fawda” movie, because of Khaled Youssef’s directions I excelled in the jail scene, he told me himself that he never expected the decent Shady to act in such a way. I have learned from Khaled to work under any conditions and under pressure.

4. You have acted in several outstanding roles both in the Cinema and TV, which one do you think has introduced you better to the audiences?
I believe that TV is very close to people since everyone has access to it, however the cinema is not. After the TV series “Qaleb Maet” was broadcast - people in the street used to call out to me by the same name of the character I played, which was a surprise to me. The reaction of the TV audience is definitely quicker than the Cinema.

5. What are your ambitions?
I wish I would have the opportunity to work with different nationalities and schools in the cinema since I believe that an actor’s legacy in made in the cinema. I also wish I could work in theatre more, and one day hope to have my own theatre and group.

6. Do you take your father’s opinion in the roles that are
proposed to you?
All the time, he always encourages and advises me. For example, when I got the role in “Thatha Yashtaglonha”, he encouraged me a lot and told me that this role would increase my experience tremendously.

7. What advice did your father Nabil Khalaf give you before
entering the world of acting?
He advised me to be clear and honest with myself and the people around me. To adapt to any circumstance, rather than change. He also stressed on the fact that I shouldn’t follow what I don’t believe in, even if it means being different.

8. Which role in your opinion has showed your talent and was the reason of your success?
Until now I am not satisfied with my work and the roles I have acted, I can say I am only 60% satisfied. I believe that if I fell in love with myself I would fall, on the other hand if I forget myself I would develop a lot.

9. Who are you friends in the field?
I don’t have friends within the field; all my friends are my old friends from school and university.

10. When you were younger and before you took over acting as a career, who was your favorite actor?
When I was younger I passed by several stages. First I loved Fouad El Mohendes especially in the movie “ZIZI’s Family”, then I became attached to Mahmoud El Meligy and Mahmoud Morsy, then came the Adel Imam stage. I love his style in acting. When I grew older I got really attached to European and American movies.

11. On a personal level, what are your hobbies?
I play the piano, and I play a lot of sports such as swimming and football.

12. What is your daily routine?
I go jogging everyday.

13. What is your best quality?
I am stubborn, but I use it in a constructive way.

14. What is worst quality?
My emotions are unstable - I am a Libra.

15. What is your favorite vacation place?
I like any place which is quite and close to nature.
Favorite talk shows: Masr el Nahrda
Favorite singers: Wael Gassar & Fairouz

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