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Nicole Saba

Singer, Movie Star and a supreme icon of femininity. Nicole Saba is known for her energetic stage presence, widespread appeal, and career permanence. This former member of the Lebanese singing group ‘Four Cats’, recognizes that her appearance is possibly the chief feature in her success – nonetheless, thanks to her determination and charm, Nicole has comfortably positioned herself along with some of the finest actresses of her time…

“Rumors are the price of fame”

Where is Nicole Saba this Ramadan?
I was supposed to start shooting “The Princess and Afandi” about Princess Nazly, but many things happened and a lot of stories were told and suddenly the whole idea stopped and we didn’t commence shooting. When I read the script I loved it, it was amazing and I decided to concentrate entirely on this series, so I refused a lot of other work because of it. I guess in the end I wasn’t meant to be part of any series this Ramadan.

Which one do you fancy more; Nicole the singer, or Nicole the actress?
Well my beginnings were as a singer, the people got to know me as Nicole Saba the singer, the acting came at a later stage. I can’t deny that acting is very important to me, it introduced me to the audiences in a different way, and people took me more seriously after acting. I love both; on the stage I love myself, and I am really good at capturing the audiences and know how to keep them with me for the entire concert. On the other hand the actor has his own world; the acting stardom has a unique taste. Fortunately, I’ve never met anyone who told me to discontinue, either acting or singing. What I aim for now, is to take a great deal of care regarding my choices in both careers to entertain and maintain my fans.

Tell us about your experience with the great Adel Imam, and why are all your roles subsequent to this particular film not up to it?
It was a dream, what more can I say. And of course nothing else was the same because this is Adel Imam, the movie was different and the idea was innovative. It was a very strong beginning, no one would ever dream of it. Nevertheless, this strong beginning has two sides, since I must be extremely selective all the time, and do my best to present myself in the best possible way.

Do you think the Lebanese actresses and singers have the same privileges as the Egyptians, and what’s this hidden war on the Arab actors and actresses?
Well, the very first moment I stepped in this country I felt I was home. Lebanon is the mother who gave birth to me, and Egypt is the mother who raised me. I never felt any differences between me and any other Egyptian actress; on the contrary, I feel at home as I told you before and believe that all my recognition came from Egypt. Egypt always has been, and always will be the mother who embraces all the Arabs. I believe the talented actor, regardless of what his or her nationality, will prove his talent and gain the audiences’ love and trust.

Would you prefer to participate in an award winning movie which is highly appreciated by the critics, or a no.1 movie in the box office?
The in between movie is best for me, a good story with a good director and a beautiful picture. I aspire for both the awards, and the box office, even though I know it is difficult.

Why are there so many rumors surrounding Nicole Saba?
I don’t care. This is the price of fame. I don’t even care about commenting on these rumors.

People can separate between the truth and lies. What about love and marriage?
Not yet, I’d love to get married and be a mother, but first I must find the right person and be sure of my feelings. Marriage is not an easy decision and we shouldn’t rush it. Everything will come in time.

What’s new for Nicole Saba?
I am preparing for my new single “kont fe haly” lyrics by Amir Teama, composed by Mohamed Yehia, and arranged by Toma. I am completely concentrating on this single, and reading scripts for various movies and TV series.

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