March 3, 2025


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Heidi Karam

With her piercing blue eyes and endearing smile this gorgeous actress is a woman of conviction, courage and determination. DG couldn’t resist this exclusive chance to sit down and speak with one of Egyptian cinemas most stunning beauty’s and find out where, and more importantly why she’s been hiding…

Where have you been?
At home. We all know what has been going on throughout recent times… The cinema industry was almost coming to an end. People were only following talk shows and politics.Producers were afraid to create new work. It wasn’t the right time for appearing. Moreover, by nature I’m not very active at this point as I have other priorities in my life besides acting; my family, son, and friends. I also have certain lifestyle routines that I am keen to maintain as playing sports and many other activities. I know that can hinder my progress forward but everything is destined. I know that if I had worked harder I would have been in a better place.

Are you worried about the Arts and Cinema industry in the presence of Islamic fundamental parties?
Yes, of course I am afraid. Sooner or later there will be some kind of change within society. They have certain principles and beliefs they have been fighting for, for more than 80 years. When you talk with the Muslim Brotherhood they can tell you that Hassan El Banaa the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood used to have an artistic band and that he believed a lot in Art but what can we say that was in the past and the society was completelydifferent from now. People were so moderate and well educated at the time but things are getting worse from time to time. And we can’t forget what happened during President Sadat period with all the violence from the Islamists and his assassination of course. So yes -- I am afraid.

Could you think of perhaps one day leaving Egypt?
In general, I never thought of leaving my home country Egypt. Wherever you will go you will be considered as a second degree citizen, so I would never wish to leave my country. But who knows what could happen? Hopefully there will be no need for such a move.

Till now, why haven’t we seen the stunning Heidi Karam as the super star and leading actress in blockbuster movies?
I am so bad in PR and social activities. I don’t have too many friends in the artistic field, and as I said earlier I am not active in pursuing roles. I just wait for roles to come and in our field this is not correct. Can you imagine that I don’t have a face book account?

Who helps you to choose your roles?
No one, I accept the roles in which I love and feel. I hope to act all kinds of roles and especially comedy and action.

Could you quit acting for any reason? 
Well, yes if one day my career was somehow obstructing with my family commitments, I will. That’s why I am trying my utmost to compromise between both.

What would you do if you quit acting?
I would love to be a TV presenter.

Do you believe that ART can oppose the current brutal attacks?
Yes of course, Cinema used to have a great role against terrorism and always tried to maintain the modernism in our society.
Cinema is the spirit of people, the mirror of society. So we can’t underestimate the role of art and cinema…I would like to say that i wish the best for my beloved country Egypt & my family as wel

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