March 3, 2025


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Does your Devil wear Prada…?

Whether working for an ego-maniac, cheapskate or a sloth, some bad bosses are simply bad people. Their personal relationships are a disaster, they are miserably sad and their ethics are bluntly wicked. Evidently, scores of employees truly believe their bosses want to dictate and terrorize the people under them. But in actual fact - the majority of bad bosses don't mean it. They are good people, merely doing a bad job. Furthermore, many are blithely oblivious of the dead, injured or stressed-out, frazzled bodies beneath them. Some even think they're superior examples of leadership. Their behavior is egotistical, quick-tempered and controlling. Their motives are naturally selfish and manipulative.

Early on in my career, at the age of 22 to be precise, I was a high flier – who seriously thought my biggest dilemma was an incompetent, insensitive boss. I was convinced the office required new furniture and state-of-the-art devices, and believed my manager was as absolute old-fashioned technophobe.

Icouldn’t wait to be transferred to another department – then; I had my performance review… My boss may not have known a great deal about fashion or computers, but he could interpret facial expressions and unconscious communicating. He told me that even though I was brilliant at what I achieve; my attitude signaled that I thought others were fools. I was taught avaluable lesson that day; just because your boss has flaws and weaknesses, doesn’t mean you can’t learn something precious from them. Here’s what you can learn from other “bad” bosses…

This is the kind you work hard to impress, so you work late to ensure a report is on their desk first thing in the morning. You wait for some feedback, finally asking, “Did you see the report, Sir?”, only to get an inattentive, “Yeah, thanks”.
The lesson ;You can’t depend on your boss for praise. Learn to set your own aspirations and reward yourself – it can be extremely empowering.

These are the ones that pledge to support your projects, and they truly mean it – at the time. It’s just they become hesitant when they are asked to stick their heads out.
The lesson ; Don’t corner this type – they usually turn nasty, simply because they are less afraid of you than their own boss. Realize that you are in charge of your career and working for the “undecided” will help you push your self forward. Don’t linger to be noticed or encouraged – take the plunge…

This is the breed that makes you work long 14-hour days, with no overtime reward. Many times, commanded to do something entirely far-off your job description.
The lesson ; The bully is the “undecided” in disguise and, usually when you stand-up to them, they’ll concede defeat. If you can’t endure it, and do as a final point resign - demand exit interviews and report top managers EXACTLY why you’re leaving. Bullies essentially feel intimidated by something – usually your talents. Take them to another place, where you’ll be appreciated…

Undeniably the worst bosses of all.
The lesson ; Once your co-worker is promoted, endless accusations from colleagues, of getting preferential treatment will surge you. You must accept that your relationship will change. Your boss can’t be your best friend, no matter what your relationship used to be, the managing position will, in due course take superiority.

This is the one that is very impressed with themselves, and expect you to be too. They want to constantly hear how brilliant they are, in addition to how innovative and inspiring their ideas are.
The lesson ; Seeing this type is too insecure to get through the day without an occasional ego boost – simply muddle through… If you want to stay in the job, find something nice to say. You can manage their behavior by pondering a negative slur with two positive comments…

Some bosses opt for the charming off-beam favorite. Don’t moan – when the evaluation comes around your measurable milestones an exceeding service targets are sure to prevail, performance always outdoes personality.
The lesson ; That said – you can’t always win, by relying on making someone else look bad. You need to focus on building your own self-esteem.

You can more or less identify this guy from a mere peek – these cheapskates are vampires in disguise. They expect maximum full-exertion and will shell-out petty salaries.
The lesson ; Regardless of the job title, learn the language of finance, and recognize your importance. If you are not being paid what you are really worth - but respected and appreciated, than I suppose the experience in itself ought to weigh up - for the time being… Nonetheless, no one is obligated to be inadequately paid – if you are taken advantage of, then take your genius and flair somewhere you are truly valued.

People rarely complain about this kind of boss, but they can be the most dangerous. Whatever you do is okay – they simply plod along without stretching themselves. However, these bosses don’t wish for you to either stand out or excel – god forbid, that will require them to work harder.
The lesson ; Find a new job – one that will expose you to setting higher standards, and challenge you to meet them. Having a laid-back boss is like having a time-bomb in the palm of your hand. Whilst you are both taking it easy, the competition out there is getting wilder…

Last but not least, I’m sure you can think of several more situations where a bad boss has taught you a valuable lesson. Remember, observing and learning from other peoples slip-ups is as significant as learning from your own – only a great deal less agonizing. As for those who rarely confess to being wrong - well, they can learn the hard way. Since you can, it’s an advantage you must use for all it’s worth…

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