March 3, 2025


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Hany Mehanna

Needless to say, it’s a great honor to chat with the composer who offers a versatile presence in the world of composing. Known for his dazzling masterpieces and some of the best and deepest melancholic tunes you’ll hear, Hany Mehanna tells us all about his intriguing challenges and the rewards of working in this field, as well as a look into his own real life adventures helping us understand what sparked the musician within…

Critics always have a different opinion than the audiences. For example the audience can like a song but the critic would disagree. Can you clarify for us your criteria for judging voices and musical projects?
The work of a talented artist would not be in controversy between critics and audience and this was the case in the good old times, when Om Kolthom, Abd El Halim, Shadia, Fayza Ahmed and many others pioneered in their field, in addition to many poets, and composers who are doing well to this day.

After being chosen as a member in the MEMA jury panel and experiencing the entire event - what would your reaction be if someone make a skeptical judgment or criticized the integrity and transparency of such a festival, what would you say to them?
All the artists who were chosen in the MEMA were chosen without making any favors for any one, and if any would suspect that then he does not have any artistic sense.

In Your opinion what does the Syndicate of Music need to develop?
It needs a talented board of directors whose main objective would be raising the broad taste and to maintain the Egyptian heritage of music. This has been mentioned in the law number 35 which was issued in 1978, when we were managing the Syndicate with a group of talented and renowned musicians such as Ahmed Fouad Hassan, Moharam Fouad, Mahmoud Efft, Omar Khorshed, just to mention a few. We were above all suspicions and our work in the Syndicate was not just collecting money which leads to disorder and the wasting of public money, and this issue is being investigated now.

Your Dad was a police officer, did he approve of your music inclination and the fact that you joined the School of Music?
My dad passed away when I was six years old, but he loved Religious recitals and invited many Sheikhs to the house on Thursdays and I was the only one permitted to such gathering and this has affected my musical fondness.

You received numerous prizes and appreciation from many countries, which one do you mostly value and why?
Yes I received numerous awards both in Egypt and abroad and I have to Thank God for that. But the most important award for me was the first award for the best Sound track in 1976 for “ALLA WAREK SOLOFAN” starring Ahmed Mazhar, Nadia Lotfy and Mahmoud Yassin, directed by Hussien Kamal. I was young at the time when there were music sound track geniuses such as Fouad El Zahri, Baligh Hamdi and Gamal Salama.

What would you say about Hany Mehanna as a person?
A simple and down to earth individual who lives with the love of people and his colleagues in the musical and artistic field…

You made a proposal to the Minister of Information to produce a TV program for discovering new voices which will restore beautiful and strong voices just like that of the good old days. Can you talk to us about this proposal? And in your opinion, who is responsible for the overcrowding of the musical scene with many voices and clips that are not up to standard and inappropriate for our Middle Eastern society?
I would consider this as a national project that would bring back Egypt to its original position in the musical field, in addition to enriching the Egyptian song and demolishing all corruption that spread to all the political, economic and social institutions in the last period of the time which the 25th of January revolution has addressed. Egypt needs beautiful voices and to attract the Arab voices to the scene since Egypt has been always the pioneer in this field.

Why did you accept to be a member in the MEMA jury panel, in-spite of the fact that you are an honorary member and did not receive any financial compensation?
Participating in an important and renowned festival such as the MEMA which highlights the serious talents we don’t expect any financial compensation, I hope that many would follow the foot steps of such a successful festival.

Did any of your children follow your foot steps?
My two elder children Tamer and Mariam have very good taste in music, but Hanadi my youngest plays the piano and organ and she sometimes tries to compose music.

Can you tell us some situations that have affected your life and music career?
Working with renowned musicians when I was 16, made me very
responsible at an early age and this was proved when I became an important musician and a friend to Abd El Halim Hafez. I also worked in several projects with Abd El Wahab, Kamal El Tawil, El Mogy, Farid El Atresh, Baligh Hamdi, Mounir Mourad, and many other of the great composer.

Do you like the patriotic songs that have been produced since the 25th of Jan revolution? You worked with Farid El Atersh, and Om Kolthom, what is the difference between the singers now and golden age singers.
In my opinion none of the songs produced really describe the revolution since things have been so fast and every day we have something new. But I am sure that after we settle down we’ll find beautiful songs such as those for Abd El Halim and Om Kolthom that were made after the1952 revolution, the whole atmosphere in the past made it possible for a lot of creativity and productions that came from the heart. I think the musical arena has been negatively affected by the revolution, as I have mentioned before things have been moving very fast and we have to
wait for the real impact after settling down.

Why did you bring your production company which as been present for 22 years to a close?
Golden Cassette stopped after piracy spread. There are no copyrights despite the fact a law has been issued for that purpose, (Law 82 which was issued in 2002) however all the executive parties have let us down and we started to lose a lot of money, and many production companies have been terminated except for those who own satellite channels who have been compensated by the 0900 rings tones and sms.

What is the issue that Hany Mehanna is preoccupied with now and wants to translate it into a musical production, and in your opinion how has the revolution affected the musical arena?
The issue that I am preoccupied with is the law suit between me and the owner of Modern Channels. They used my name by me being in Modern Masr Channel when we launched Modern Star and thousands of youth had applied for this program to pursue their musical career. I was responsible for their contracts being the Deputy Managing Director, however after the first round the channel name was changed to Modern Horreya and those dreams all fell hard. We now have a case established with the Arbitrary panel.

How do you see the future of music in Egypt and the Arab World?
Egypt will always remain the pioneer in the music field and after the elections Egypt will return back to its original position.

Mr. Hany Mehanna you have a legacy in the music arena, what is next?
I will remain working in the field for the rest of my life and I am now planning to open a center for teaching music and vocal training which will have the best professors in the field.

Express one word for each of the following:
Egypt’s next president:

He should remember that he is the first elected President since 7000 years and he should work hard and serve this country, as it has been mentioned in Quran -- Egypt’s people are kind, pure and deserve the best.

Your Wife:
A wife is one’s other half. When God is pleased with you HE grants you a good wife, I always thank GOD for this.

Who would you send a love message to?
I would like to send a message to all those who I’ve been affected by throughout my career and who have been my role models. I would also like to thank the MEMA for choosing me as one of the jury members, for presenting me with a special honorary award, and for this interview…

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