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Final word


“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” John F Kennedy

So, the Egyptians finally revolted and over threw the regime; a regime that has been vastly damaged and corrupt; that until now, I can’t believe the extent of the corruption. Nonetheless, many things are unfolding as time goes by…

But the question on our mind now is; what happens NEXT? Are we going to focus on making a better future for ourselves and children? It seems that we are looking behind our back all the time, wanting vengeance from those who stole this county’s wealth, stole our youth, and stole countless lives. I hope we don’t fall into this vicious cycle of revenge because we won’t be able to move ahead.

We have been gloating all the time of our Pharaonic heritage, and now we are doing the exact same thing, we want the future.

I believe that we should not let those who embezzled us get away with their wrong doings, but at the same time we have to move forward. Work, improve our production to be able to export, and enhance our tourism since an enormous percentage of the population work in this fundamental sector. Nothing comes easy in this world, especially with our situation nowadays. The country has been crippled for the last 3 months, the cycle must spin…

We have so much potential and resources that if only utilized in the right ways we could be a fast growing economy. I don’t want people to depend on getting a cut of the sharks’ fortune. It won’t happen. I hope all the educated people could seize any opportunity and talk to citizens such as drivers, maids and illiterate people and convince them that we won’t be getting any money; nothing will be distributed on the population. If anything returns it will be employed towards better education, health care, transportation and the many sectors of the country that require growth and development.

The endless flood of demonstrations and remaining in Tahrir Square will not help any of us now. Many people are not happy with what is happening, and there have been so many clashes between those who are pro and against this idea. Are we going to fight over beliefs or it is better to move ahead and WORK?

Now we are so divided with different political affiliations, no matter how good, or bad you think of those political parties, we should be seeking the best - searching for the most proficient organization with an insightful view regarding our future.

For some it’s just talk in the air. We need a moderate view with no religious affiliations or influences. I hope that we stop accusing each other of being with or against the revolution, we are working for a better Egypt, and better future - we are just different in the approach of accomplishing this great dream. We don’t want to get dragged in the motto of George Bush, “either you are with or against us”, it won’t get us anywhere at all, truth be told - it will only divide us. We have to unite no matter what we think; we have to learn to respect each other’s opinions - to be able to implement a democratic environment…

“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives” William James

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