March 3, 2025  


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Sun = skin ageing + damaging your skin

Many people incorrectly assume that wrinkles appear only due to dry skin and the only solution for that is using moisturizers that can prevent them. Not true. Research shows that 90 percent of wrinkles are caused by the sun’s UVA light and sun damage is the #1 cause of premature aging in women and men, even at low-level exposures, UVA light breaks down collagen, which causes wrinkles. Be noted that the immediate signs of sun damage are tanning and sunburn - which is your skin’s last resort when it comes to forcing you out of the sun.

Facial Sun Care
During spring and summer, get in the habit of using sun protecting products each morning to give your skin the best first defense against ageing. Once out of the sunshine use an after sun product like moisturizers to help restore the skins moisture levels and at night apply a smooth, rich and hydrating moisturizer. Eyes and Nose and Ears and Mouth must have share. To protect your delicate skin around the eyes it’s time to invest in some top quality UVA protective sunglasses. Protect your pout with an SPF lip balm, essential if you love your lipgloss. The delicate skin on your lips will peel, crack and dry like a cactus unless you keep it hydrated.

Top Tips for Facial Sun care
The Do Apply your moisturizer with UVA protection and an SPF15 each morning. Wait for your sunscreen/ moisturizer to dry then apply your make up if desired. Wear sunglasses to protect the delicate skin around your eyes. Use SPF protective lip balm to stop dry cracked lips. Drink plenty of water and use an antioxidant rich after sun product at night.

The Don’t
Avoiding deliberate tanning, including use of indoor tanning devices. Staying out of the sun between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., when the sun’s rays are the strongest.

Natural time
Natural anti aging skin care Mixtures are the most effective way to stimulate natural collagen production without any side effects happening to our skin. The gradual appearance of wrinkles and fine lines is one of the biggest problems people have to face. Natural extracts are harmless to our skin and their effectiveness comes from the fact that they are living enzymes and they promote the smooth healthier and younger-looking skin we are striving for.

Natural Anti Aging with Milk
Milk is one of the most amazing products nature has given us. Milk can reduce wrinkles at an amazing rate and it can moisturize our skin curing most dryness problems we face. Milk acts as a skin hydrator and promotes healthy new cells. Regularly, massage milk on your face and neck before sleeping at night and wash your face well in the morning.

Natural Anti Aging with Egg Whites
Egg whites also give the skin a lifting effect and hence help in reducing wrinkles; it can be used with a dash of honey or almonds. Whip egg white till it becomes foamy, apply on your skin and let it dry then rinse it off. Egg whites are especially effective on the skin around your eyes. This skin is extremely delicate and fragile and progressively becomes thinner as we age. Dabbing egg whites on the skin around your eyes and allowing it to dry will temporarily lift and tighten your skin and remove fine lines and wrinkles.

Natural Anti Aging with Vitamin C
Lemon and orange juice contains plenty of natural Vitamin C which is known for rejuvenating wrinkled skin; it gives many other benefits to our skin. Not only does this vitamin help in getting rid of damaging free radicals, but vitamin C also stimulates the production of Collagen. Applying the juice directly to your skin should be avoided, instead mix it with milk cream and apply. It will restore the moisture levels in your skin and improve your complexion as well.

Natural Anti Aging with Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is an important ingredient in natural anti aging skin care recipes because it can do wonders for your skin; it has the ability to firm the skin tissue and bring back elasticity that your skin has lost. This automatically lessens the wrinkles. Aloe Vera also provides your skin with oxygen and adds to your skin’s overall strength. Natural beauty products are readily available, but if you use your own home made natural anti aging skin care recipes, you will have to be patient because it can take a little while for the visible effects to appear. But the effects are cumulative and long lasting and, the wait is very worthwhile.

Although all the ingredients in these beauty recipes are natural, remember that it is still possible to be allergic to anything applied to the skin.

To test other ingredients make up a very small amount of the recipe you intend to use. Wash and gently dry a small patch of skin inside your elbow. Apply a little of the mix to the skin and leave for 48 hours. If you experience any redness or swelling..


By: Hossam ELMaraghy                  
Certified in the personal beauty care (Canada)

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