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The faces of revolution...

For the majority of us, the most poignant instant of this revolution was as the nation fell silent to commemorate the selfless martyrs. Their names echoed solemnly into the still of the night - the innocent victims of someone else’s battle. But with the anticipation of Mother’s Day - I cannot help but think of the beloved mothers… My mother once said that with every act of love that the searing heart of a mourning mother derives, miracles are galvanized, adding to a spiritual depth that in time will purify our beloved country of all relics of fear. She went on to say that, “love alone can triumph over hate” and if we give it the chance – I truly believe it will.

As I watch the dust settle in Tahrir Square, I recall my mother’s words. Inspired at how the peoples wills have hardened and wits sharpened, as everyone comes to realize that fear shall no longer be a barrier - and that freedom has come at an immense price - more than ever for the brokenhearted mothers…

As I watch the dust settle in Tahrir Square, I recall my mother’s words. Inspired at how the peoples wills have hardened and wits sharpened, as everyone comes to realize that fear shall no longer be a barrier - and that freedom has come at an immense price - more than ever for the brokenhearted mothers…

Waves of thoughts suddenly coalesced, credibly reflecting on each pure, chaste face – as I pondered; they brought us sovereignty, what can we sacrifice for them and their families - and it hit me. The best way to honor the sacrifices that our loved ones have made is to collectively accomplish their mission and their visions – simply, by achieving the peace and serenity, especially for the mothers that we stand in awe of their strength, devotion and tenacious spirit.

It is often said that revolutions capture the human imagination and intoxicate the viewer. But in my opinion, seeing millions of composed Egyptians peacefully protest in Tahrir Square and beyond, gave a superior sense of empowerment to everyone around the world. The president of the United States, Barack Obama’s words is testament to this;

“The word Tahrir means liberation. It is a word that speaks to that something in our souls that cries out for freedom. And forevermore it will remind us of the Egyptian people -- of what they did, of the things that they stood for, and how they changed their country, and in doing so changed the world.”

There is a saying that every problem comes bearing its own solution. And even though governments move armies, only individuals can move hearts. I genuinely believe that Egypt needs armies of thoughts - in addition to armies of soldiers; we need heartfelt prayers that reach the sky. As we remember the tragic events that etched the date starting January 25 forever on our calendars, let us prayerfully revere and remember those who lost their lives. May each of us become a vessel through which the power of love can extend itself and in time transform the world…

Dear God, we aspire, our gentle prayers and sincere understanding will guide all our Mothers of Martyrs with grieving hearts on their difficult journey, giving them hope and helping them discover the ways they can continue their life, filling the void of the noble heroes they loved and lost…


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