KATE Arafa
Actually, Never! I do not believe that the “grass is greener” in another country, home is the best place for me as I am very attached to it…
Radwa Moussa
Abandoning is such a big word! When you abandon or disown something you never look back at it, your memory automatically works to removing all memories good and bad, yet stress on the bad ones to strengthen your position of (abandoning ) it. Ironically I am one of the people who moved out due to life transitioning few years ago - moved to the big American dream which Hollywood made sure we fall in love with every Oscar generation. Comparing between two completely different cultures, countries and people of the world is a lame and an overrated conversation that in my opinion only takes place when there is nothing else to be said or no topics found! With all the negativity taking place in the world, terrible incidents of terrorism and human rights invasion existing makes me wonder, how can the place be blamed? How can Egypt be recognized by those who strived to destroy it? The weather is still the same, the sceneries are still the same, yet any complaints found are all human made! The terrible traffic that literally gets on people’s nerves to a point conversation are dead- frustration is built, health is affected…How can this be done by Egypt? Media stupidity and mockery for beliefs - how can this still be Egypt? And the list goes on and on. Visiting back home became nothing but an observation process on how different life gets in a small amount of time. Wherever we go, however we blend in we will still be the minority! The sad part that at many cases even minority are treated OK (not wow or perfect just OK) – even better than how majority do in their own land? Time for a careful observation? Time to realize the people are actually us and that we should take the blame too? I follow mabda2 (ad3y 3ala ebny wakrah ely ye2ol amen) – I observe the negativity, feel sad, write about it, smile with every glimpse of hope followed in the news even if it was a tweet! It’s a sign that change is happening, the transition of ideas and thoughts already took place and WE the people are ready to love our country more. And if someone uttered a word about Egypt – that’s it you get a piece of me buddy!!! Abandon is a big word! How can someone abandon himself? Wherever we go- it’s a part of us!
Have any of you actually considered abandoning your country, and living in a place where the government/people have similar values as yours?
Why should moving be the answer or the only option? There is always the option of protesting and demonstrating to attain one’s rights and that option unfortunately is met with severe oppression. As for moving, a lot of people do, in fact, move and unfortunately again, they usually opt for the Gulf countries, where a lot of them develop strict values about the world and about others. As for me, I would never move from my country. I can travel for periods of time, but I always know that I have my home and roots to come back to.
Dahlia Nassar
When I first moved to Egypt I thought I was miserable… Now just over 10 years later I truly consider it home. I›ve lived in another country and it was a great experience. But abandoning, as in “forsaking”… Now that’s entirely beyond imaginable. Be it, Australia where I was born and raised, or Egypt my parent’s homeland, either or – I’m here to stay… I have proof of my devotion too – with the recent turmoil here in Egypt, my family and I were booked on an evacuation flight sent over by the Australian Govt. and I declined, rejecting their plea - informing them that I would hang about, seeing I wasn’t in any danger. Unlike many people I know who didn’t hesitate to board the next flight out of Egypt… I’m so glad we stayed – we had an opportunity to witness history…
Fayrouz Tayseer
As my father is a diplomat, I lived most of my life outside the country. I have lived in many countries some of them have a better system and some of them have a worse system. However, nothing compares to being around your family and friends. I never thought of leaving the country ever since I got back to Egypt for good. I don’t know if I will have that thought because I have settled here and I am now reluctant to change.