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letter from Dalia

Barack Obama: “We must educate our children to become like young Egyptian people”

David Cameron, Britain’s Prime Minister:“We must consider teaching the Egyptian revolution in schools”

CNN: “For the first time, we see people make a revolution and then clean the streets”

Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy: “There is nothing new in Egypt. Egyptians are making history as usual”

Stoltenberg, Prime Minister of Norway: “Today we are all Egyptians”

Heinz Fischer, Austrian President: “The people of Egypt are the greatest people on earth; and they deserve a Nobel Prize for Peace”

What more can I say except that I am proud to be Egyptian. I love my country and want it to be the best in the world. We have to work hard, to move forward, to stop hypocrisy, to love each other and put aside personal interests and think of our country. It is a crucial moment for Egypt. Please stop demonstrations, protests and go back to work. It is time to work and prove ourselves and save our country… It is a special issue by all means, our first issue after the revolution, after the change. We tried to cover most aspects that are happening nowadays. We have “Egypt’s Martyrs, Heya eh El Hekaya, Love is in the air, Boosting tourism, our Interactive section with the readers sharing their opinions on the revolution and ideas on saving Egypt and boosting our economy”.  More and more inside in our lifestyle and DG All Around section and a special coverage for the recent international events as the Oscars, Golden Globe, and SAG. We also compiled useful articles on our business section; we hope they are of assistance during these harsh times. Again let’s remain as one hand and start over to build our country. Let’s prove who we truly are and that we deserve to be the pharaohs ancestors.

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