Life Coaching originated in the USA over 10 years ago but has more recently gained public recognition in Britain where it is enjoying phenomenal growth as more and more people discover the advantages for themselves. Life Coaching is sweeping the country invading so many aspects of corporate and personal life that you almost wonder how we ever managed before. More and more people are experiencing an eagerness to become a professional coach or develop exceptional coaching skills.
Some individuals choose to build a very rewarding part-time or full-time career specialising as a Life Coach. Others have seen that Life Coaching Skills are being actively sought as a ‘qualification’ by companies wanting well-trained, skilled Personnel, Supervisory, Customer Care or Management Staff. In fact, Manager Coach is now recognised as a position although until recently it was unheard of.
Not to be confused with therapy or counselling, Life Coaching involves the development of a special relationship between the coach and the client which, rather than looking to the past, plans for the future. As apposed to focusing on one or two past events it has a more holistic approach aimed at dealing with all matters effecting the client’s achievement of a fulfilling, successful and stress-free life. Using the old adage ‘United we stand…’ coaching provides a confidential, non-judgemental, impartial and completely personalised support structure that enables the individual to achieve far more than they ever would ‘going it alone’. Clients come from all walks of life, and are unique in their desires, priorities and needs. The Coach guides them towards identifying their own personal potential, clarifying their objectives and seeing their future clearly - undistorted by people, emotions or events. Having a supportive family and friends is invaluable but these people cannot offer advice that isn’t clouded by their own wishes, issues or problems.
There is a lot of confusion about the field of life coaching. Nearly every one understands the duties and responsibilities of an attorney, pro athlete, engineer, or teacher. However, hardly anyone knows or understands the duties of a life coach.
Many wonder if life coaches are just another new-age fad that will quickly fade. While others wonder if individuals honestly do need life coaches in order to reach their goals. This then raises the question of, "Can't these individual work harder?".
Most of this scepticism comes from individuals who have reached, both their professionally and personally goals. For these individuals, achieving their goals and success was never in an issue. However, it may have taken time for these individuals to achieve their goals, there was usually some mechanism set in place which made their success possible. This mechanism may have been their ability to set goals, resource-assessment, or any other strategy that the majority of successful people routinely rely.
What makes these achievers so Sceptical: One significant reason for this scepticism is the majority of these individuals were taught these necessary skills, yet most of these individuals do not realize this. For these people the skills of observation, analysis, behaviour modification, and assessment are as second nature to them as walking and talking.
Some argue the belief that there are undeniably biological component for success, while other believe these skills are learned at such an early age that the individual is almost unconscious of these skills. For these individuals it's difficult for them to understand why others simply do not process these same skills and thus make their jobs, relationships, or finances work, in much the same way as a mathematician can not understand why certain individuals struggle with arithmetic.
Life coaches vary in their devices and approaches, yet most concur that a successful approach teaches constant refinement. For this reason, if an approach isn't working, it's vital to understand why an approach is not working so that the client can try a new approach. Similarly, if there's been a degree of success, it's essential to discover why an approach is working so that more of the approach can be incorporated into the plan.
Types of Coaching: Personal Coaches Help along the Road to Success: personal coaches can assist you through nearly any event in your life from a career change to any devastating occurrence such as a break-up or a layoff. Personal coaches help you obtain your goals no matter how ambitious or frivolous, they can assist you in plotting strategies that will help you achieve your goals.
Many times personal coaches offer objective, third party opinions to help identify your strengths and weaknesses. In addition, they help you identify precisely what you want out of life, and the skills required to achieve it. Motivation is possible the most important skill an effective personal coach can teach you, to enable you to make the changes you've been hesitant to make.
Finding the Best Career Coach for Your Success areer coaching is a booming field and sadly, it is also a get-rich quick schema for some unsavoury individuals. There are hundreds of advertisements for individuals wanting to help you do everything from getting that next raise, publish your novel, sell more software, or start your own business. Career coaching is a valuable tool, and the best career coaches are the individuals who will help you improve your skills, set clear measurable goals, and clarify what success means to you.
Numerous counsellor, experts, and psychologists agree that setting specific and attainable goals is the key for of any successful career. By setting goals, you set a value to what you want and exactly what success means to you. In addition, the goals that you set should be oriented toward your personal growth, and job effectiveness. Your career coach can help you set these goals and plan stagiest to obtain these goals.
For managers, who tend to set short term goals such as meeting project deadlines, career-coaching can help them set long term goals such as motivating staff, or increasing the job satisfaction of their staff. Career coaches have the tactics needed to assist you in defining your goals, which will truly help you to succeed in business, instead of just meeting deadlines.
As your career values change, your career coach will help you to reassess your goals. Keep in mind however, that no strategy should be so strict that it does not permit for modifications, detours, and alterations; provided that these modifications will help you still reach your goals. Some of our greatest achievements are made from chanced opportunities, thus the importance of having flexibility within any long-term plan.
Coaching to Achieve Balance in Life ife balance coaching teaches individual how to successfully balance their career, relationships, family, as well as their relationships with their friends and acquaintances. If this sounds impossible, for most of us it is. One reason is the technology, which was to make our lives easier, has inadvertently complicated our lives. The majority of us are constantly wired 24 hours a day, making it difficult to distinguish between our public and private life. Up until ten yeas ago, people left work, went home and spent time with their families. Today, people simply take their work home.
« Not to be confused with therapy or counselling, Life Coaching involves the development of a special relationship between the coach and the client »
« A life coach, can provide you with knowledge you need to honestly assess your values and beliefs »
Communication Coaching communication coaching is extremely important if a person is serious about getting ahead in their corporation or simply wanting to maintain stable relationships. Though they differ in their techniques, communication coaches, career, and life coaches are united in the belief that good communication is the key to success. In order to make any meaningful change, individuals have to be able to communicate their needs and desires.
Most people are inexperienced with effective communication. This is simply because Men have been taught that the only way to endure hardships is by being silent and stoic. Women, however, are taught that meekness and humility are favourable qualities, especially in relationships. A good life coach will start by immediately dispelling those teachings and set about developing better communication skills within relationships in your life.
Countless communication coaches start with teaching their clients observation and listening skills as well as the importance of non-judgmental listening. Many times, we are inundated with our own natural biases and instincts,we do not bother to listen to exactly hear what our partners, | friends, and co-workers have to say.
Communications Coaches will introduce new techniques to you for voicing concerns in neutral language so they are less offensive. One way to do this is to remove the blame from the objections. If a person has a sense of absolution on the matter, they are more likely to listen attentively and not react defensively. There are varieties of skills to be learned from communication coaches that an individual can carry over into their personal and business lives.
Betting Health and Fitness with Health Coaching Health coaches can help make positive changes in the lives of individuals who are concerned about their health. A health coach will challenge everything you know or think you know about diet and exercise, helping you to get into shape. Obesity has become an epidemic across America. Unfortunately, misinformation has been much of the reason for this. A health coach can provided you with the correct information to help you gain control over your body and get in to shape.
One of the first steps a health coach will do is assist you in designing healthy diet, which will fit your lifestyle. As with any changes to ones lifestyle the key is in making reasonable steps. For instance, if you love sweets, then deciding to give up all sweets at once is bound to be difficult and one you are more than likely not succeed at. Instead, consider cutting back, which is a more reasonable goal.
The next step your health coach will help you with is designing an exercise regimen, which also fits your lifestyle. The biggest difference between a health coach and a personal trainer is that a health coach forces you to track your progress. Without documenting how much exercise, they do weekly how they track their progress.
Lastly, by improving your diet and increasing your exercise your psychological well-being will also improve.
Relationship Coaching Relationship coaching is about reinforcing romantic relationships. Perhaps you and your spouse or significant other has drifted apart, or you may feel that you no longer communicate with each other. If this is the case, then a relationship coach may provide you with the help you need.
Many are hesitant to contact a Relationship coach either because they do not want to air personal problems with a stranger or perhaps they feel things will get better between them and their loved one. However, studies have shown that more relationships are saved when a relationship coach intervenes. It is not possible to dissect the roles of men and women in romantic relationships, nor can you define the differing characteristics between men themselves and those between women themselves with only a few simple words. Therefore, you need a relationship coach who will consider the specifics of your relationship, and the strengths and weaknesses of you and your partner. Once the relationship coach has this crucial background information, he or she will be able to isolate each problem, concentrate, and develop successful solutions, which will assist you and your partner for years to come. With any healthy relationship, there are basic principles that help to maintain the relationship. The first among these principles is the ability to listen and understand. In order to solve the differences between people, they have to be responsive to each another's needs. However, this can only be accomplished when both parties listen without prejudice to each another. This unfortunately is easier said than done. The second principle is the willingness for both parties to honestly want the help in the first place. If the partners don't have that willingness, then there's nothing a coach can do to help save a failing relationship.
Life Improvement Coaching With the help of a life coach, you will learn how to take inventory of your life, then how to make some difficult choices. If you've ever sat down and drafted New Years resolutions, you've probably listed everything you want to improve in your life. Life improvement is not about accomplishing all of your New Years resolutions, nor is it about reading more books, making more money, building a better body, or travelling to more places. So, what is life improvement, then?
First with the help of a life coach, you will learn how to take inventory of your life, then how to make some difficult choices. Many business leaders will tell you that it is nearly impossible to make more money if you have no idea how much you're already making. The same is true for life improvement, if you do not know what areas of your life you want to improve, then how will you know what to improve. The problem however is with most individuals they are not objective enough to make proper assessment about themselves.
This is where a life improvement coach can help. They have the distance needed to analyze your individual situation objectively. Your life improvement coach may examine your marriage, personal relationships, job, and home, then make recommendations on the areas where he or she notices needs improvement. For instance if you have a tendency to become angry, aggressive, excitable, or analytical, then a personal life coach can make suggestions to correct this behaviour based on the observations they've noted.
Self-improvement is not black and white nor is it one size fits all. A plan, which has proven effective for one individual may not be the correct action for another individual. In order to devise a strategy, which is correct for you, first sit down with your life coach and take inventory. Your life coach can then help you improve the areas, which need improving and exploit the many excellent tools and resources you already have.
Personal Growth Coaching Programs Personal growth programs can change your life in ways you've not considered. A personal growth coach can help you defined success in much broader terms, as well as help you rethink precisely what's important to you. Many times, we are trapped by old habits and ways of thinking. Many times, we judge our self-worth by the number of friends we have and how much money we make.
Friends and money certainly have crucial places in our lives, but so does the ability to affect others? lives. This is true for everyone. An individual, who works in a low-wage job that has limited prospects for advancement, may not be considered a success. However it this person has a sense of joy about the work they perform, then they have achieved a form of success.
Successful Personal Growth Programs: A life coach, can provide you with knowledge you need to honestly assess your values and beliefs. Once you've made an honest assessment, you can then discover the kind of work, activities, and relationships, which emphasize and affirm your values. There are countless individuals who earn enormous sums of money, yet are miserable. These individuals once they have worked with a life coach generally discover satisfaction when they change careers, becoming teachers or mentors.
Once these individuals make this breakthrough, they usually don't define success quite the same way. Personal growth programs can be the solution for individuals who feel tired, bitter, or jaded.