Latifa has always been different, distinct and unique in the music field.
She never gave up her principles and self respect for anything though there are
many temptations around. She has always respected her audiences’ taste. Latifa
is considered an idol for many rising singers. For many years she has been on
the top of the music charts. Latifa>s New Album “In the past few days” has
been released July 2008 by Rotana Company. It was long awaited by her fans, and
it was worth the wait since it is diversified and full of emotions.
Latifa was born on February the 14th in Manouba, Tunisia. Latifa’s
personality was pretty much affected by her surroundings in Tunisia, where
serenity of nature and tranquility is wide spread. Tunisia is famous for the
abundance of the green and white colors that are always associated with truth
and honesty which became an important part of Latifa’s personality. As an
Aquarian born on Valentine’s Day, she is very emotional, sociable, idealist, and
a utopian always searching for perfection.
Latifa believes deeply that every artist must have strong social
obligations towards their nation’s issues. Latifa always participated in many
events supporting the Palestinian and Iraqi issues. She has many songs
reflecting the Arab political problems. She has established recently “Latifa
Charity Foundation” to be the first institution for an Arab artist to support
the benevolent activities in the region and throughout the world. The foundation
is supposed to be organizing benevolent art tours including great artists,
touring almost all countries and regions in the Arab world to support the
projects and the goals of Latifa’s foundation. Among Latifa’s charity
activities, this year she recorded an advertisement For the Egyptian Food Bank;
it was broadcasted in many radio and media channels. In addition she was a guest
of honor in Mohamed Mounir’s charity concert for the support of victims of El
Doweka. Moreover, for the third year in a row, Latifa recorded the Iftar prayers
in Ramadan.
In 2004, Latifa received the World Music Award
from Las Vegas for the great success of her song “Ma Etrohsh Ba’ed” as best in
Arabic countries of the mentioned year. She is considered to be one of the few
Arab singers who received such award. Latifa also received several important
national and international Awards, but her greatest happiness was when Tunisian
President, Zein Alabdeen Bin Ali, granted her the medal of Cultural Merit as an
appreciation for her effort in giving an honorable image of the Tunisian artist
and being proud of her country in every place she travels to.
Latifa performed countless of successful concerts on great stages in
different parts of the world. She had concerts in Cartage ancient theater in
Tunisia, and in Jerash ancient theater in Jordan. Latifa also had only one, but
very successful concert in 1997 in Albert Hall, London and several concerts in
Paris. Latifa first and only experience in film making was with the very famous
Egyptian and international director Yousif Shaheen who directed her movie
“Silence…we’re rolling” in 2001 through a French- Egyptian coproduction. It
was critically acclaimed movie. Latifa was very happy and honored to work with a
great director such as Yousif Shaheen. She was the guest of honor in the Middle
East International Film Festival in Abu Dhabi, and participated in Yousif
Shaheen’s film forum with many other great
artists. |
 During the festival, Latifaexpressed er deep sorrow for
the loss of Yousif Shaheen as he has enriched the Arab Cinema throughout his
eternal works.
Latifa participated in one of the most distinguished plays produced and
directed by one of the most important figures in the theatre history Mansour
Rahbany, as a leading actress in the drama play “Reign of the shepherds” along
with many Lebanese actors. It was then said that Latifa has mastered performing
the Lebanese dialect as the first time!