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Osama Mounir

DG had a blast chatting it up with radio host Osama Mounir.This guy was clearly born for voice work. He’s both delightful and professional, with a soothing voice that his audience simply can’t resist. Read on as we unveil the man behind the microphone and together discover his grounded, down-to-earth,irresistible nature…

Who is Osama Mounir?
A simple,normal person living an ordinary life with no exaggeration -away from any spotlights or celebrity life.

El Beit Betek Program added to Osama Mounir as we all know, what can u tell us about this experience?
El Beit Betek was like a school to me where I learned everything about visual media. I was a guest at the program on the night of Valentine’s Day and after we finished they asked me to appear as a TV presenter for the first time but I apologized because I was afraid to fail and destroy my Radio career. And then later I was in Sharm El Sheikh and they were shooting the program there and once again they asked me to join the program and this time I did. I didn’t stay long with El Beit Betek and since then I refused all the offers I got.

Do you think art and media were affected negatively or positively following the revolution? And do you approve of the presence of Minister of Media after the revolution?
The art was affected in both ways. It started to talk about things we couldn’t actually talk about before which are positive aspects - but on the other hand most of the actors and actresses are afraid about the freedom of art especially after what happened with Elham Shahin and Adel Emam. For the media it was affected negatively because of the presence of certain people who have special benefits and are serving specific political parties and not the entire Egyptian population. People started to lose confidence in media and this is not good. And for your last question of course I don’t approve on having a Minister of Media, no respectful country has one. The media must be free and not following any political parties. It has to be the soul and heart of the people and society, not the follower of the president.

Moving to another exciting part in your life; your program Ana We El Nogoom We Hawak, tell us about it and about the funniest and strangest situation you have been through?
Well there are things that I can’t talk about as it is to be considered as secrets. But I went through a strange situation when someone called and started to talk about Muslims and Christians and he was so rude but I managed to finish the conversation in a nice way.

Can you tell us about the most difficult political interview you did and why it was so difficult and with whom?
It was with the great media icon Emad El Din Adib at Nogoom FM.
As you know he owns a part of Nogoom FM so I told him do you want me to make a nice and light interview or a true and strong one and he told me “Make it right”. I respect Mr. Emad a lot and we all know his history and capabilities so I was afraid of this interview but thanks to God it went ok.

Tell us your opinion about these programs:
Akram Hosny, Abou Hafiza:
I love it and he is so creative.
Baseem Yousef , El Bernameg: he created a new way in presenting the ‘Monologue’ away from the old way that we got used to.

What is your favorite talk show program?
Well I can’t say a particular one but sometimes I watch Ibrahim Eissa as I can acquire valuable information from it.

Many people doesn’t know that you started your career by singing and released a song called “Ba7ebek Mat2olesh Ba3deen», tell us about that.
Well yes I released this song but later it was sold to Ragheb Alama and to tell you the truth I faced many obstacles in the singing career and tried to release other songs but there wa no luck. I love singing and adore Om Kalthoum and Abdel Halim Hafez. And from current singers I love to listen to Mohamed Fouad, Wael Gassar, Hussein El Gasmy, and George Wasoof.

What do you think about the absence of Romantic movies and the new kind of movies that are full of violence?
Well it is a mood. The producers produce the kind of movies that the people want and that can gain a lot of money. Old movies were so romantic and full of valuable meanings as the society at that time was calm and not crowded as nowadays. I think we need more sociable movies to help solve our problems. I believe that Ahmed Helmy succeeded a lot in such kind of movies.

Who is your secret keeper?
My wife

Are you a romantic person?
It depends on the mood.

How many romantic experiences have been through before your marriage?
*Laughing* many I started my first love story when I was 9 and then 12and then 16. And at last I met the love of my life - my wife.Brief words about:
The mother: I adore you
The youth: hope you fulfill your dreams
The wife: I love you
Dear guest: I respect the success it achieved
A love letter to whom?
To my father, I love you and miss you…

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