March 29, 2025  


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Walk the walk

Whether during work or our normal life, we are all using our heads more than our body. And then comes the day when our joints feel stiff, our stomach starts rumbling, we add fat, we feel tired often, and feel dispirited, and most of all when we go home we just want to recover and have no energy to go out or even play with the kids on weekends!

Let’s face it. Lack of exercise makes our bodies weak. And prone to disease diabetes, joint pain, arthritis, swollen legs or bodies, obesity, lack of digestion, weak immune system, lower back problems loose muscles, or loss of muscle tones and the list goes on…..

So at least we should aim to take a walk every day, whenever possible. Walking briskly makes your heart beat a little more, pushing and renewing blood cells up an down your body, giving your auto immune system to clean the various dead cells in the various organs and parts of the body that you never knew of, and lubricates the joints so that they function more efficiently.

The walk also helps in reducing body fat, as it dissolves stored fat; giving you energy to walk. The brain also receives stimulation, as you inhale and increase the oxygen in blood, thereby making the neuro-transmitters work faster and better.

Many people do not realize that physical movement also aids the brain. Walking is a positive state of mind. Stay positive about your physical activity, and you will stay positive throughout the day, weeks and months, as you get into the habit of walking.

Set up a goal like walking half an hour and add more minutes each time. Reward yourself when you continue. Make it a part of your life, stay with it and stay healthier.

Motaz Fahmy              
Certified Fitness Trainer (USA)
Nutrition Consultant U.K     

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