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Nermine Al Ramlawi

My wildest dream…? Without even blinking I could tell you that it is only to a dream to see men treating women like goddesses and that men would be able to experience the same emotions that women do… HA HA HA!!!! But not even such a dream would encompass that possibility… it’s entirely too far- fetched of a thought , with that said, I will aim for a wildest dream that is somewhat more realistic … to be Angelina Jolie\s make up artist

Fairouz Tayseer

My wildest dream is to find Alladins’ lamp with a genie who does not tell me “you only have three wishes” as I have more than that to wish for and I want them all to come true instantly. What are these wishes... well, I don’t want to count the eggs until they hatch.

Radwa Moussa

Going Wild
Dreaming, thinking, writing and gazing; what’s new? It is the daily imagination of my weak, yet powerful mind. It is the escape to my happy place in my down moment, it’s the boredom that gets into my head with a long endless day, it’s the disappointment of knowing the finale of the movie when it actually just started, and the list keeps going on and on…But today its different, the day is the same, yet I am different. I choose to go wild in my dreams, thinking, gazing and wondering. My eyes are shut, my mind is on, and the clock is ticking before the day is gone. Oh my god, am I rhyming? Then it’s workingJ - it actually is working, I am going wildJ. Ok, back to business then, close my eyes, listening to ( enjoy the new tunes, create a story with every song, smile with a love song, shed a tear with a sad one, and feel free with a strong beat and a little girl with the guitar.
Go wild…. I am wearing bright yellow jeans, this new weird fashion that for some reason I can't see it hanging in my wardrobe, but heck with it, today I’m going wild. A simple white shirt on it, I am painting a room, I am in my own world, and my phone is silent because I chose for it to be so. Go wild… I am followed by paparazzi, smiling and taking pictures with people, yet I am not an art celebrity, I am in politics, I actually work with Obama, I am the first Arab American Muslim covered girl working in Washington D.C. I am proud to make my dad proud; I am travelling and making decisions with the president of the U.S.
Go wild… I am driving my old blue car, picking up my friends cruising around El Maraghany St., drinking watermelon juice from salsa, and checking new stores in Horreya St.
Go wild… I am the world’s best ever soccer mom, cheerleading like no chick can ever cheer lead, I am turning around and letting every one know these are my kids, I am the one who raised up those two beautiful gifts.
Go wild… I am kicking ass in paint ball fight, I am very tired from all the running but loving the adrenaline rush, and enjoying every bit of paint in my hair and nails.
It starts here, in my mind. I have full control to become weak or strong, forget happy or sad these are superficial terms. I choose to be strong today, to be a happy mom, to write a new to-do list, to do something different tomorrow, to try a new work out, and research self plans for the next 12 months. Then maybe next week I will reach my down cycle again, actually no not next week, I just got out of one, so it's too soon, so in two weeks reach another down cycle, its amazing how sometimes I see it coming, and for some reason look forward for it, I call it cycle because at some point I will go wild…and rise and shine baby, rise and shine.

Jaillan Gallad

My wildest dream is finding us, the Arabs, being on top of the world; being the smartest, most civilized and incorruptible people. I dream of us having confidence we can be as good as and even better than others, if we give in the effort. I dream of a world of where we can be open minded and open to the positive side of the other world and resisting it’s negativity. Basically I dream of a utopian Arab world.

Lilian Wagdy

I don’t know if you are talking about realistic dreams or not, but my wildest dream was to have the ability to walk on water. I don’t know why I always thought that you can get from one country to another quicker if you just ran on the flat water surface. I think it combines both my desire to travel the world and my love for long walks. That way I can see every single part of the world on foot, and because water is a flat surface, I don’t have to worry about my feet getting scratched or sore!!

Dahlia Nassar

Untamed thoughts
I have untamed thoughts that maneuver me like fast passing cars screeching around corners and taking me at times to places I neither require, nor desire… and although I keep my opinions ventilated with innovative possibility - I have become the fantasy magician who has completed all her illusions of yesterday - while I await tomorrow’s imaginations and ultimately set them free into my realities…
From time to time a questionable contour of thought with the influence to ignite the flames of imagination has seemingly created my realistic hallucinations - exploding all my thoughts into an imposed creation.
“I once had a vision that I was attached to a catapult and vaulted over the edge of a cliff, besieged with the thought of an entity that has eight limbs was trailing me. I perceived my body was about to collapse and crumple against the lashing tentacles that wrapped and slapped at my spine”.
“Every so often, I see myself as a golden spirit with shimmering pearls covering my essence - approaching to signal goodbye and good riddance to all the conflict and bitter views of my existence”.
“Occasionally, I discover myself lying on a bed of roses, my thoughts spirals as sweet succulent rose petals envelop my mind - I am breathless amid the crimson aroma”. But most of all - I want to simply be me without all the confusion of thoughts. I want my own unblemished feelings to reappear and become my sole companion once again.
In spite of all, I believe the real question is - would I even become conscious of ‘my wildest dream’ and succumb to breathe the moment in?

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