March 13, 2025


Radwa Moussa

I find it very troubling that these days the human value is so tarnished on several aspects. I find it extremely troubling that humans are losing their loyalties first and their dignities second! Before I even tackle the importance of the issue and how insignificant it is to trade one Israeli with tons of Palestinians or Egyptians! Does it even make sense that up till now we have people in prisons that civilians find out about once in a blue moon? Do we have to give a human soul in order to save others? WTH! Are we back to worshiping statues and providing giveaways of food and drink to obtain their blessings! Well this is just sick! Excuse my tone everyone, but with the aggravation accompanied by a lot of crap happening lately, I feel connected and responsible to some level for other humans. I personally think we should start by ourselves, and consider valuing one another as humans, avoid the fiasco of Muslims and Christians to begin with and maybe then we can have the right to wonder if one person is worth hundreds!

Hesham El Dahmy

I don’t believe it’s about how many for whom or what, this exchange can not be measured as the weights of the two parties involved are different, their ideologies are different, their population count is different, their religions are different, their priorities, reasoning, perceptions and much more are different. They were willing to let 1027 go for 1, they got what they want, good for Israel; The others demanded 1027 to let go of that 1, and they also got what they want, good for Hammas. We being an integral part of all this at this sensitive juncture in our quest for democracy and freedom… great for Egypt…

We’ve all heard that Egypt acted as a mediator between Hamas and Israel regarding the hostageexchange, and after five and a half years in Hamas captivity, IDF First Sergeant Gilad Shalit has returned to Israel, after being exchanged for 1,027 Palestinian security prisoners.

Do you find it unusual, or even troubling, that so many Palestinians would be released for this one Israeli? And in your opinion, how successful is this deal for both sides?

Dahlia Nassar

It’s definitely a Political move. Israel is gaining quite a propaganda victory on the international scene - valuing individual life, bringing home their man, sacrificing themselves by accepting the unreasonable claims of terrorist kidnappers for the sake of saving one man’s life. Not to mention that this gives a domestic legitimacy to Hamas in the eyes of the Palestinians. While Fatah is off making a fool of itself at the UN, Hamas actually accomplishes something and now we have 1000 Palestinians back with their families who are ready to be used for propaganda purposes – But I can’t help wonder why Israeli’s never went ahead and used the ever so controversial Mossad to find this soldier – I mean, you do realize that if they wanted to find him – they would have…

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