March 29, 2025  


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Characteristics Of a Successful Networker

Let’s talk for a moment about what qualities must be either inherent in a person or acquired in order to operate within the arena of the multilevel marketing business model. If you are new to MLMs, you will need to experience some paradigm shifts from what you may have learned in your corporate job environment. In this article, we are going to touch on eight criteria that every individual must strive to possess or develop if they want to make it to the top of their chosen MLM Company. We are going to take the point of view of the representative who has already done their due diligence on the company and has joined. Now, you are beginning your journey to build your team in order to leverage your efforts and achieve whatever goals you have set for yourself. Who is the ideal person to join my team?

Number one, you must consider the COST OF JOINING in relation to your prospect. This is a very simple idea, but one sometimes overlooked. You must consider this because most businesses take some capital to start and maintain. If someone is struggling just to pay bills, they may not be able to stay in the business long enough to make a profit and reach higher levels in the company.

Number two, whatever your product is, you must have or develop a real affinity and PASSION for it. You must believe in it 100%, or you won’t be able to convey the enthusiasm to promote it and elicit believability in the prospect. True passion and excitement is positive energy that is contagious.

Number three, it is best to look for BUSINESS-MINDED individuals, either someone who is or has been in business before. The business owner has a different level of commitment than someone with employee mentality. The business owner must be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it means sacrificing some aspects of pleasure and comfort now for financial freedom later. In most ways, your new home based business requires the same skills and business plans as a large corporation.

Number four, an UNDERSTANDING OF TAXES will help you maximize the benefits of owning a business. The tax laws are set up for business owners, and to get financially free or wealthy, you must learn how to maximize your tax benefits under the law. This is one of the criteria that can be easily learned.

Number five, you are looking for a PEOPLE PERSON. Most business is about people at one level or another. Ultimately, a good business person must learn how to communicate well with people and truly connect with others according to their needs. Look for team members who are friendly, outgoing and love to be around people (and people love to be around them, too).

Number six, successful networkers are driven to help others succeed first. This is the universal law: first help others reach their goals and you will by default achieve great heights. In this business model, you cannot be the lone ranger striving to hit it big while simultaneously keeping others down. Look for SERVICE-ORIENTED people.

Number seven, to achieve anything great you must have AMBITION. Business is all about becoming larger than the problems that you will face, rather than shrinking away from your problems. The drive that you will need to surmount the inevitable challenges that will come along your path will come from your ambition. Someone will little ambition will not have the fuel to continue when they hit the bumps in the road and the frustrations they face.

Number eight, your ideal prospect has CREDIBILTY. This will be someone who has already been successful in some aspect of their life. They will have influence and leadership skills that can easily draw more people to join them in the venture. They have created a foundation of trust in their friends, business associates and the community.

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