New hope for autistic children with a British robot

University of Hertfordshire in London, developed a social robot called Kasper.

New hope for autistic children with a British robot!!!!!

University of Hertfordshire in London, developed a social robot called Kasper. Kasper sings ,imitates eating, plays the tambourine and combs hair. The social robot can help autistic children to enhance and develop their social skills.

Kerstin Dautenhahn, professor of artifical intelligence at the university of Hertfordshire, told Reuters: “our vision is that every autistic child in a school or a home or in a hospital could get a Kasper robot if they wanted to”. The university is aiming to see Kaspar working in hospitals nationwide if the experience proves its success.
Most children with autism find it difficult to make out basic human communication and emotion so Kaspar’s designers avoided making him too lifelike and instead opted for simplified, easy to process features. Autistic people are more likely drawn to technology, this robot could have the potential to make a huge difference to people on the autism spectrum.

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