With the mission to create a more sustainable community, Fairmont Nile City started participating in the AccorHotels “Soap for Hope” worldwide initiative and launched the first stage of the program in collaboration with Sealed Air, the leader in food safety and security, facility hygiene, and product protection and Educate Me, an Egyptian nonprofit foundation that aspires to redefine education in Egypt.
“Soap for Hope” was pioneered by Sealed Air in 2013 to save lives by giving free soap to communities with limited access to soap, to create local entrepreneurs, and to help hotels reduce waste through recycling. The program aims to collect used soap bars from guest rooms hand in hand with Educate Me who are trained by the Sealed Air team using an innovative cold-press method, which takes less than ten minutes to complete and requires no running water or electricity. More than an act of recycling, Educate Me will be using this soap as a way to offer a new form of livelihood to members of the community and improve their hygiene practices by providing access to soap.